Trying to Conceive: More of an Ordeal than You Think

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When you first start having sex, you may look for ways to avoid pregnancy. But for many people who are ready to have children, getting pregnant is much more difficult than they expected. It seems easy enough – have sex, get pregnant. After all, the teen pregnancy rate is skyrocketing! Unfortunately, that's not how it works for many couples. Whether it's a lack of proper timing or ultimately infertility, playing the waiting game can be stressful and frustrating. But it's common – and even likely – you won't succeed on the first go-round. Or the second or third. In fact, there's about a 25 percent chance of success even at your most fertile time of the month. That's something many people don't know when they embark on the journey of trying to conceive. You don't know if it will be easy for you or if you'll have trouble getting pregnant until you start trying.