Alcohol Not So Cheerful For Dieters

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They don't call it a beer belly for nothing. Drinking excessive amount of alcohol can pack on the pounds. So if you're watching your waistline, you may want to skip that next round. It's important to remember that all alcoholic drinks are not created equal. Perhaps the smartest choice calorie-wise is a glass of wine. Both red and white wines will cost you just 100 calories per a five-ounce glass. They also have no fat. If you prefer to stay in the spirits of things, keep this in mind. Beer and mixed drinks that are juice based are high in calories. Although it may seem like it's worth it at the time, the next day you'll be filled with regret -- and a whole lot more calories. A 1.5-ounce serving of rum has 77 calories and 8 grams of carbs, while a 1.5 serving of gin comes in at 119 calories. Vodka, Tequila Cognac and Whiskey are all about 104 calories per 1.5 ounce serving.