Fat Alert: Drop the Muffins, Man!

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Beware of the muffin. For years people have assumed that muffins are a healthy, diet-friendly option. When presented with the choice between a donut, a bagel or a muffin, they'll opt for the latter, thinking it's the best move for their waistline. However, that isn't the case. Some muffins come with a heavy price in terms of fat, calories and sugar. In fact, they're about as healthy as a piece of cake, a brownie or other sweet treats loaded with all the wrong things. A Starbucks Chocolate Cream Cheese muffin contains 450 calories and 24 grams of fat - that's almost the equivalent to three glazed donuts from Dunkin Donuts. Stop by the local Au Bon Pain and order a pumpkin muffin and you're setting yourself up for some major diet derailment. A pumpkin muffin weighs in at a whopping 470 calories, 14 grams of fat and 34 grams of sugar.