Special Delivery: Time for Baby!

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May is Pregnancy Awareness Month, and if you're expecting or already have a child, then you're definitely aware of what it's like to be pregnant. But do you know what to expect when it's time for your bundle of joy to arrive? You may think that there's only one place and one way to deliver a baby, but these days, your options are far more varied than you think. Many women put together pages and pages of birth plans down to the tiniest details, including candle scents and music choices. But when push comes to, well, pushing, the best-laid plans can go awry. Here are a few things that the books you've been dutifully reading may not tell you. First, those handy laboring positions that can reduce pain may be forgotten. Don't think you're nuts - you've got a lot going on! So it may help for your birthing partner or doula to bone up on those positions to help you out when the time comes. Don't be surprised if your body does things you don't want it to - like poop, puke or shiver.