Product Reviews: Hot Hair Accessories

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Floral Accessories

Floral hair accessories are hot items, especially in the spring and summer months. Some hair flowers can look very realistic, while others are made to look bigger than life. Depending on your mood, you can choose from tropical flowers, roses, daisies....just about any flower that strikes your fancy. Whatever kind of floral hair accessory you choose, it can help you add some drama to a simple dress or a nice blouse paired with designer jeans.

My Diva Closet offers some great choices in floral hair accessories, from attention-getting, Oscar-night blooms to cute little floral bows. To make an eye-catching entrance, try their Pale Cream Gardenia hair clip (suggested price; $8).

Head Wraps

The wide, floral satin fabric tie-on bands from last season are still going strong in all sizes, from petite headband widths to full-on head wraps. Head wraps can be great hair accessories for those days when you'd rather not have your hair scrutinized (growing out an old haircut, camouflaging roots, battling humidity, etc.). L. Erickson's It's a Wrap! (suggested price; $72) is a combination scarf, sash and head band that's made of 100% silk and comes in an impressive array of colors and prints. Get it in their "Pepper Flower" design and you'll look ready for a day on the open water.