The Leading Cause Of Your Acne: You!

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Applying pressure to the face with a hand, phone or any other item presents a problem because it introduces the face to different types of bacteria. Try to avoid this by using speakerphone or cleaning your phone on a regular basis to remove bacteria. Dirty pillowcases and towels can also expose the face to unwanted bacteria and dead skin cells. When you go to wipe your face, make sure the towels have been laundered. Dirty makeup brushes can also be a culprit. The experts suggest throwing makeup sponges away after one use and thoroughly cleaning brushes on a weekly basis with cleaner or shampoo. This can also be another source of acne strife. Last but not least, remember that you are what you eat. Even though a slice of pizza alone my not give you a zit, indulging in foods that cause your blood sugar to rise can also cause acne breakouts. This includes foods prepared with refined sugar such as cakes, crackers, white bread, pastas and other fried foods. So if you want to prevent acne, clean up your act.