Positive Body Image: There's An App for That!

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Good Blocks is a Google Play app that helps users gain body positivity and even lose social anxiety by encouraging positive self-talk. Sounds kind of boring, but Good Blocks allows you to learn how to increase self-esteem with games. So not only are you improving your self-image, but you're also having fun! There are several places online that offer empowering stories of having a positive body image. Check out MyBodyGallery.com if you're interested in seeing women (and men!) who have the same dimensions - height, weight, sizes - as you. It's a realistic and honest way that can help women see themselves more clearly. As the site points out, a staggering 95 percent of women overestimate their bodies' dimensions, including believing their waists are up to 25 percent larger than they are. The site shows real women to give other women a realistic perspective.