Men's Products to Try

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Most women will delve into their male partner's stash of hair and skin care when running low on their own. After all, who hasn't grabbed that can of shaving cream or tube of gel now and again? And when we run out of razors, well...sorry, honey. However, there are some fabulous products marketed for men that women proudly proclaim as their own. In fact, there are whole lines of personal grooming, cosmetics and hair care products that work well on both sexes. Here are some of the best. First, ditch the pink razors in favor of a stronger one - after all, mens' razors have to tackle that stubbly beard. A great choice for your legs is the Gillette Mach3 Turbo. It's a triple-bladed razor that even costs a couple bucks less than the women's version. Guys don't really need a lot for their faces, but they do need to keep it clean, moisturized and oil-free. A great, matte option for evening (it has no sunscreen, after all) when it comes to moisturizer is Lush Cosmetic Lad.