Flake Out: Cure Your Dry, Itchy Scalp

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It's all you can do to resist scratching your head. No, you're not deep in thought - unless it's about how to get rid of the flakes that plague your scalp and fall onto your dark-colored clothing, ever so obvious and embarrassing. But there may be a medical basis for what most people call dandruff. In fact, sebhorrhea dermatitis is the scientific name for dandruff, which is an eczema-like breakout of scaly patches on the scalp. Specific shampoos such as Nizoral and Head and Shoulders work well on dandruff. Other causes for flaky scalp might be an allergic reaction, in which the skin reacts to something that's been applied to the scalp, such as a new shampoo or perfume. One more cause of flakes could be head lice, which is easily ruled out by examining your scalp. Treat with special shampoos, and eliminate head lice from your environment, such as bedding. But there may not be a clear-cut cause for dry scalp skin. Take a look at factors such as a lack of humidity, drying products - perhaps those containing alcohol or even age. Our skin tends to retain less moisture as we age, and that applies to scalp skin as well.