How to Wear Neutral Lip Colors

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As women, it seems we're always encouraged to wear a bright lip color to bring out our own bold radiance. But if you're not feeling courageous enough to wear those brash colors, it's perfectly all right to keep your color natural. In fact, it's super sexy to sport a nude lip when you do it the right way. First, a nude or neutral lip looks best when lips are in great condition. That means virtually no chapping allowed to let the natural gorgeousness of lips show through. Start by lining lips with a shade of lip liner that almost matches your lipstick - go just a bit darker to give yourself a discernible line around lips. Fill lips in with liner pencil if you really want your color to last. The color you use is really up to you - be sure to keep it a shade lighter or darker than your lips because anything more could leave your skin looking sallow.