Classic Beauty Products

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Teenagers and ski bums of the 1970s had probably the silkiest lips of all time, due to good old Chapstick. And the lip balm is still around in plenty of flavors and formulations. Makeup artists everywhere still swear by Maybelline's Great Lash mascara, and for good reason. It delivers a full, thick lash with plenty of length - plus it's cheap! Speaking of which, the economical Dove Beauty Bar, available for about $3 per two-pack, is a great way to get clean. Plus, with that "one-quarter moisturizing cream" in the bar, it does double duty as a moisturizer. These days, you can find it in lots of gorgeous scents or fragrance-free. Regardless, it delivers soft, hydrated skin when many bars strip skin of moisture. It's a better deal because it lasts longer than body washes - but Dove makes those, too!