Starch Blocker Diet

The body has an enzyme known as alpha amylase which turns starches into sugar. After this happens, the sugar is stored as fat in the body leading to weight gain. To fight the process, scientists turned to a protein found in white kidney beans to get rid of more than 50% of the starches consumed. This Phase 2 Neutralizer binds to the alpha amylase which stops the conversion of starch to sugar, allowing starches to move through the intestines undigested.
The starch-blocking process also stops the body from releasing calories. Anything but a new concept, starch blockers made their debut in the early “80s, though they were later pulled off the shelves by the Food and Drug Administration. Recently though, Dr. Steven Rosenblatt revived the power of starch blockers with the innovative Starch Blocker Diet, which supports the use of Phase 2 in conjunction with a balanced diet and exercise plan.
Dr. Rosenblatt’s three-step plan tells dieters to redistribute calories, take emotional control and burn body fat via exercise. Of course, the most appetizing part of the Starch Blocker Diet is that followers can indulge in their favorite staples as long as they take the Phase 2 starch blocker.
While starch blockers can counterbalance the intake of pasta, cakes, cookies and other sweets, there is nothing they can do about white sugar, honey, maple sugar or high-fructose corn sweetener.
A normal starch blocker dose is 1,000 to 1,500 mg, either mixed with a starchy food or taken as a capsule five to 10 minutes before eating. Starch Blockers will set you back $50 to $100 for a month’s supply.