How To Talk To Your Kids About Sex, Drugs & Alcohol

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As always, keep it casual. If you spend time with your teenagers and keep the lines of communication open, bringing up the subject is much easier.

Signs of Drug & Alcohol Use: Look out for these tell-tale signs that your child might be using drugs or alcohol:

- Loss of interest in family and other usual activities.

- Not living up to responsibilities.

- Verbally or physical abusiveness.

- Coming home late.

- Increased dishonesty.

- Declining grades.

- Severe mood swings.

- Big change in sleeping patterns..

Understand that a lot of the above signs, especially near the top of the list, could mean a multitude things. Teenagers who are depressed can act in similar ways. When approaching your child, don't be accusatory. Try to connect with them and see what's really happening in their lives.

Need more tips on parenting your teen? Visit Parenting My Teen for free tips, resources and a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to helping you parent your adolescent.

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