When Is Your Child Ready for a Cell Phone?

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One added bonus is that some child-friendly cell phones are even equipped with GPS so that you can locate your child at any given moment. Although cell phones may be the mother of necessity, there are other factors to take into account when you're considering whether your child is old enough for a phone. First and foremost is cost, especially if you're paying by the minute. And who can forget those text messages, ring tones and data costs for surfing the Net? It can all add up quickly. There's also the price of the phone itself. Your child should be old enough to take care of the phone and responsible enough not to run up a bill with unnecessary charges. Another factor to consider is that a cell phone isn't just a way for you to reach your children - it's a way for anybody else to reach their children. If you think your child is ready for a cell phone, set some ground rules. Consider a pre-paid plan. Let your child use the phone when it's necessary and keep tabs on how the phone is being used.