Redecorate Your Child's Room on the Cheap

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Changing your child's bedding can go a long way in a room makeover. Try to find a great deal on a bed-in-a-bag that your child loves, or do it yourself for even cheaper. Find two flat sheets in a size larger than the comforter your child currently uses, and cut them to fit on top and underneath the comforter. Secure raw edges with hem tape and line edges with Velcro to create a DIY duvet cover! If you need organization, then there's no need to raid a container store for a bunch of plastic bins. Simply take a look at what you have and discard anything unneeded, broken or old. Now streamline where things are kept by organizing by size. Clear shoe pockets hung on the back of the door are ideal for tiny items, like barrettes, school supplies and small toys. Consider a low bar in the closet if you have small children and want them to be independent when it comes to getting dressed. Use the top bar for out-of-season clothes, dressy clothes or those that are too big. It's easy to redecorate on the cheap, so give your child's room a fresh, new look.