I Swear! Why Those Four-Letter Words Are Foul

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Refrain from swearing, especially in front of your children. If you do slip, say another word with just as much feeling, one your child is likely to give more credence to. If your child swears, ignore him. By putting an emphasis on the word, he'll be more likely to repeat it. Emphasize to older children that swearing has no place in your car, house or presence. If they continue to drop the profanity bombs, institute a punishment. Stick to it. A swearing jar can be extremely effective. Make children contribute their allowances to the jar if they do curse. Or take away a privilege. Make sure your child realizes why the words are offensive. Communicate your views on foul language and why it's unacceptable. Eventually, you'll get your message across - and it will likely be four-letter word free.