12 Travel Tips For The Holiday Season

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You should check on your flight before you leave the house to make sure it hasn't been cancelled or delayed. It's also a good idea to pack as light as possible. When traveling with children, you already have to juggle. Who wants a massive amount of luggage dragging them down?

Whether you're flying or driving, do your best to avoid peak travel days like the day before Christmas or New Year's. If possible, travel on the holiday itself. You may find the rates are cheaper and the traffic is sparser. For those who are driving, make sure your car is good to go. Fuel up. Make sure you've gotten your oil changed. You don't want any unexpected bumps in the road. Travel during the day to avoid getting lost. Also, prepare for inclement weather. In other words, if you're going to need snow tires, you should have them. Before leaving, be certain to get the forecast and plan your journey around any storms.