Your Guide to Giving a Great Massage

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Ahh...there's really no better way to show some love to a stressed-out significant other than with a soothing massage. The power of touch can do wonders not only to soothe strained muscles, but also to calm the mind. Massages boost energy and increase concentration, so it's great for workaholics and anyone who needs a break from the rat race. If you're ready to lay hands on your partner, check out these tips for ways to give him or her a rad rubdown. Start by getting a-head of your partner. Get behind him or her and stroke fingertips from the middle of the forehead to each side of the head, stopping at the temples to rub fingers in a clockwise direction, gently. Brace thumbs near the back of the head and rotate fingers in small circles on the scalp. Move down to the neck, taking care to rub gently at the base of the head. Tap fingers lightly along the neck, then have your partner turn over for the real back work. Start by aligning the fingers with each shoulder blade and press gently. If your partner likes a lot of pressure, move down to your forearm and apply pressure.