Tips for a Successful Double Date

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Consider your budget and that of the other couple before planning as well. A fancy restaurant with a big-ticket bill can be a mood killer, and splitting the bill can get uncomfortable when one couple orders more than the other. Dinner at a restaurant usually is a safe option, however. It may seem tempting to have it at someone's home, but then one couple has the "home team" advantage and things could get uncomfortable. To keep things exciting and appeal to all the parties on the date, why not have a "progressive" dinner? Have appetizers and drinks at one restaurant, then stroll over to another one for the main course. Finish up at a coffee shop, where you can have dessert and coffee. That way, everyone finds something they enjoy. Another fun date idea is attending a wine or beer tasting, but avoid activities that could encourage heavy drinking - having one too many can make things awkward for everyone.