Dumped? Hire a Heartbreak Coach!

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Make a list of your top 12 most desirable characteristics in a partner, and prioritize them from most to least important. Examine the top three characteristics – perhaps they're along the lines of values family, good sense of humor and is a good listener. Don't even bother with anyone who doesn't meet your top three when you start dating again. Shoot for the new person to meet your top six traits as you continue to date. Know when you're ready to start dating – Winter likens getting over a breakup to the stages of grief and compares a breakup to a death in some ways. Until you're past those feelings, you won't be able to move on. She advises those looking for love to "match" that prospective ideal partner in your head. Work on fostering those 12 traits you listed in yourself in order to become a great pairing for that person. And finally, Winter advises those looking for love to think positive. Perhaps you can create a gratitude journal and write down at least one thing a day for which you're grateful. You may not have $10,000 to spend on a heartbreak coach, but you can improve yourself and make yourself the best mate for your ideal partner.

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