Are You a Drama Queen?

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Consider your past and whether or not you're taking out frustrations stemming from previous relationships in your current one. Are you fearful of another mate cheating on you, for example? If so, then share that fear and try to give yourself over to trusting your current mate. There are a few questions you should ask yourself about the relationships that cause the most drama. Again, if you've been burned in the past, be sure you're not ensuring that history repeats itself with the innocent people who love you and who can be trusted not to hurt you. Don't worry about what can happen in your current relationships. You and the other person can't flourish in your relationship if you're constantly worried about what might happen. If you catch yourself getting hung up on scenarios that haven't even happened yet, take a step back and analyze the situation and what caused the negative feelings. If there's really no basis for them, then let them go. Remember that drama doesn't make things any more interesting or exciting - it's toxic.