Are You a Drama Queen?

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If your relationships resemble those you had in junior high or can't seem to thrive without trials and tribulations, then you might be a drama queen. Blowout fights coupled with periods of being attached at the hip, followed by intense jealousy - any of that sound familiar in your day-to-day dealings with friends, family or partners? Take a moment to check in with yourself and see where all of the drama comes from. A hard truth to face is the common denominator in all of your relationships, and that's YOU. So if you're having a tough time across the board and feel as if everyone in your life is out to get you, calm down and examine what's going on with yourself. Are you accustomed to chaos in your relationships? You may say you want things to be better and more normal, but when you're not sure what a healthy relationship looks like in the first place, then it's hard to have one.