5 Ways to Be More Attractive

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Good posture also helps take a few pounds off visually. Putting your shoulders back and straightening your spine makes you taller and slimmer-looking.  Consider what clothing makes you feel comfortable and confident in your closet, even if they're an old, faded pair of jeans. The clothes you wear when you're on the search for a mate should make you feel that way, not uncomfortable, vulnerable or sloppy. And speaking of sloppy, pay attention to detail when it comes to your appearance. Of course you'll take care of the big stuff - hairstyle, clothing, makeup, etc. - but how much time did you devote to the little things like your hands, skin and accessories? Bitten hangnails, ragged nails and dry skin can convey apathy and just not caring. So can broken-out skin or improperly applied makeup. Who would want to hold hands or touch that face? You've heard the phrase, "you are what you eat," and it's true. What you put into your body will show on the outside, so eat well, get lots of rest and exercise. You'll get a natural, beautiful glow in no time.