The Basic Effects of Reiki Therapy

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The strength of Reiki therapy depends on the level of the healer. There are three types and this improves through attunements.

Reiki healers in the first level are only taught the basic hand positions and the scared symbol so they can perform direct healing over others. In level two, they can now teach the symbols and hand position so they can practice distance healing. In level three, the person should be able to know everything and thus earn the title of master and can already teach this to others.

Are there risks in Reiki therapy? The answer is no. The only thing the patient can do is block the positive energy that is being given but this does not cause him or her harm in any way.

Another thing people should remember is that Reiki therapy works in conjunction with western medicine and other practices. It is simply designed to help the person heal especially for those who need to undergo surgery. Reiki therapy is not successful after only on session. This has to be done several times until the patient is completely healed and this can only happen the body becomes in tune with itself. A practitioner can even do this to him or herself to reduce the anxiety and stress that happens every day as people live a happier life if there is both harmony and peace.