How to Make Lean Meats Tasty

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If hotter sensations suit you, a half cup of jalapeno juice (the brine from the bottle) mixed with lemon juice as part of an overnight basting solution will turn up the temperature and break down the chewier cuts into a taste bud pleaser.

BBQ: The expression "think outside the box" is such a clicheacute;, but how about thinking outside of the grill? You don't have to cook on an outdoor BBQ to get a great-tasting cut of meat. The George Foreman indoor grill is ideal for an apartment or house and makes great steaks, burgers or pork chops.

You might try baking it in the oven or cooking it on the stove top on a flat no-stick griddle. Perhaps you're up for a little experimentation -- make a casserole for dinner and cook the veggies along with the meat. You'll get a very juicy and tender result with more of a "roast" taste.

One warning -- when dealing with lean meats, lower temperatures work better. Since there's less fat available, the exterior is more likely to char and become carbonized and hard to eat. Always spray any cooking surface with a quality no-stick preparation -- don't use butter as it is less effective at the higher cooking temperatures used for meat.