Tools of the Trade for Cooking in Bulk

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Preparing to Cook in Bulk

The best way to start cooking in bulk is with a clean, clutter-free kitchen. Your time spent cooking will go much faster if you don't have to stop and look for supplies, so have everything you will use at your fingertips and clear your kitchen space of things you won't need. Take time to go through each recipe and determine what tools are required. This may include:

  • Measuring cups
  • Measuring spoons
  • Bowls for mixing
  • Pots (all sizes needed)
  • Pans (all types needed)
  • Utensils (spoons, spatulas, etc.)
  • Food processor/blender/electric mixer, etc.
  • Cutting board
  • Cookie sheets
  • Freezer bags
  • Colander
  • Freezer/disposable aluminum pans
  • Plastic wrap
  • Can opener
  • Plastic bags and containers

It is helpful to keep all of your supplies in one area, where you can easily find them. Next you want to have out all of the ingredients that will be used. Of course, refrigerated items may need to wait but get out spices, canned goods, or any other ingredient that can be out in the kitchen. Keep your ingredients in a separate area from your supplies.

Cooking in Bulk

To keep things moving along, it's best to start cooking your meats first. While the chicken is simmering in a pot or the ground beef is browning in a pan, you can take advantage of that time to cut up vegetables. If you aren't ready to assemble meals, you can put the vegetables into plastic bags or plastic containers and store them in the refrigerator until you are ready to use them. Once the meats are cooked, they can also be cut up and stored. Then it's time to move onto cooking other items, such as pasta or rice.