Ten Ideas for Creating Food and Drink in the Blender

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6. Make breadcrumbs in the blender. Use fresh bread for soft breadcrumbs or stale bread for dry breadcrumbs. Again, you should add the pieces through the feeder cap while the motor runs.

7. Your blender can grind whole spices, coffee beans, nuts and crackers. You can make delicious nut butters or spice butters in this way.

8. Use the blender to grind poppy seeds, grate fresh coconut, dissolve gelatin and reconstitute frozen fruit juice and dry milk.

9. You can puree hot soup in the blender. Only fill it half full and leave the feeder cap open for the steam to escape. Begin on a very low setting and turn it up gradually.

10. And of course, there are smoothies!

The blender was invented in 1922 by Stephen Poplawski to create soda fountain drinks. He placed a blade at the base of a tall container and the first blender was born. Of course, the blender has been developed more since then and a blender is a frequent sight in most people's kitchens these days. Blenders come in glass, plastic and steel.

You can get ready made mixes for smoothies or make your own from scratch. Whether the sun is shining or it is a cold day, juices and smoothies always go down a treat. A blender is designed to add air to a drink, to make it frothy, which is why blender smoothies always come out so good. So if you have a blender and hardly ever use it, why not try out some of the above ideas! About the Author

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