10 Herbs You Can Grow in Containers

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4. Limit the amount of herbs you will plant in a container. It should depend on the size of your container. There should at least be an allowance of four inches square in between each type of herb.

5. Get a clean container to start the hobby. The container must allow good drainage for the herbs. Use soil that is porous enough to let water reach the roots easily.

6. Try to pick commercial potting mix instead of the usual garden soil. It contains minerals that can support the needs of your herbs in containers.

7. Check your herbs regularly, especially if they need some watering. Different herbs will have different moisture requirements. Just make sure that they do not get too dry. At the same time, do not drown them.

10 Herbs to Grow in Containers

There are many kinds of herbs to choose from for your indoor garden. It is best to choose those that can be arranged together. Here are some that should be considered.