Why Am I Tired?

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  1. Thyroid Problems - If you are having trouble losing weight and have extreme fatigue, your thyroid may be the cause. Hypothyroidism happens when your thyroid (located in your neck) fails to produce enough hormones to regulate your metabolism. Failure to treat hypothyroidism can have serious consequences such as infertility, heart disease and joint deterioration. Ask your relatives about any family history of hypothyroidism, which can be an indicator. Ask your doctor for a thyroid blood test to find out for sure. Hypothyroidism can usually be treated, quite successfully, with hormone replacement therapy.
  1. Depression - One of the most common indicators of high levels of depression is fatigue. Women are more likely to suffer from depression and feel the physical side effects more intensely. If you're feeling sad, stressed or anxious, talk to your doctor and/or a mental health professional about your options. There are many natural ways to fight depression, such as increased exercise and supplements. Therapy has also proven to improve symptoms.
  1. Sleep Apnea - You might think you're getting enough sleep during the night, but you may not know that you have stopped breathing several times throughout the night because of sleep apnea. The condition causes you to wake just slightly every time you stop breathing, which can happen hundreds of times in the span of eight hours, leaving you sluggish even when you hit the hay early. A doctor can order a sleep study to see if you are suffering from this condition and may have you try a CPAP device at bedtime to keep your airways open. Losing weight and quitting smoking have proven to be ways to combat sleep apnea.