What You Need to Know About Food Allergies

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You should always let those around you know how severe your food allergies are -- family and co-workers especially. Family gatherings can be enjoyable if you know what you're eating is safe. Likewise, potlucks at work. Your co-workers need to understand your food limitations.

Your trigger foods may not always be noticeable. You may not know you're about to have an allergic reaction. For these times, you should always carry an epinephrine injection kit or epi-pen, especially if you are prone to severe or acute reactions. While the epi-pen will relieve the symptoms, you should still have someone take you to the emergency room.

Even if your reaction is mild to moderate, carrying anti-histamine will help with the itchiness and stave off a rash.

Knowing your limitations with food intolerance or food allergies is always your best bet. Learn to recognize the onset of symptoms so you can quickly take action if you innocently digest a trigger food.

Food intolerance or food allergies symptoms, once realized, will always be a part of your life. Listen to your doctor, learn about your symptoms, and take good care of your body.