Smoking Cessation Products: The Hidden Dangers

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Consider Other Smoking Cessation Methods 

Before strike up a smoking cessation program, discuss your options with your doctor. He or she can review your health history and smoking habits and help you determine the best method of smoking cessation for you to attempt. Your doctor may find that there are certain risk factors such as cardiovascular issues that may make certain cessation products more dangerous. 

"There's really nothing out there that has set itself apart as a winner in the treatment of smoking cessation," says Dr. Thomas Kiresuk, a professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Some former smokers claim they kicked the habit using hypnosis, while others credit a smoking cessation support group for their success. 

Because every smoker is different, there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach. To make smoking cessation a long-term goal, individuals looking to quit will need the support of friends, family and doctors to determine the best methods and how to stick to them. Even after you break your smoking habit, it takes continued support and effort to avoid relapsing into the cigarette habit.