How to Treat Severe Lactose Intolerance

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Treating Severe Lactose Intolerance 

Lactose intolerance isn't something for which you can walk in to the doctor's office and get a prescription. Treatment is on a case-by-case basis because different people can handle various limits of lactose. 

That means it isn't all or nothing. Usually, those who have trouble digesting lactose can handle drinking or eating some milk products every day. It may not be something you have to give up entirely. There are also things you can do to make the digestion process a little easier, thus reducing the symptoms. 

So the first option generally is to cut out dairy products for a week or two, then gradually re-introduce them to your diet while carefully monitoring the symptoms to see exactly how much you can handle without getting sick. 

If you need treatment, it typically includes a variety of solutions -- from over-the-counter products that ease the digestion of dairy products to managing the amount of dairy that works best for you. Sprinkling an enzyme over food before eating it or taking an enzyme tablet after consuming milk products can aid digestion and prevent gas and bloating.