10 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight

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3. Eating too much fruit. Fruit is healthy for you and can be a valuable snack when you're losing weight; however, too much fruit means you're only adding more sugar to your diet. Balance out fruit with protein such as yogurt or milk to slow down the rate of absorption and keep you satisfied.

4. Not eating enough fiber. Eat more whole grains to keep your appetite in check and your digestive system running at peak efficiency.

5. Not drinking enough water. Water helps flush your body of toxins and keeps your metabolism in order.

6. Not enough physical activity. When you're overloaded with work, worry or anxiety, it's easy to pass up that exercise routine. Make sure you're working out at least 20 to 30 minutes per day to keep your metabolism fired up, and you'll be burning calories all day long.

7. Turning to food for comfort. Food can be a source of comfort when you're feeling emotional, stressed out or simply tired. Learn new ways of comforting yourself so you're not overeating just to deal with feelings.