Quick Weight Loss Centers

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These are the assertions made by Quick Weight Loss Centers, a Florida-based company that offers one-on-one counseling with trained professionals. Just recently they hold a contest for the most compelling Quick Weight Loss Success Story. Between the 25 finalists, they lost a combined total of 1,500 pounds. Although they've narrowed it down to 25 finalists, only one winner will receive the $10,000 prize.  

Similar to LA Weight Loss, the program teaches clients to eat healthy, modify their habits and lose the weight for good by participating in a supplementation regimen sold by Quick Weight Loss Centers. Participants can expect to lose 3 to 7 pounds per week. For more than 25 years, Quick Weight Loss Centers have been helping desperate dieters take off the weight for good. 

With a team of experts on staff, Quick Weight Loss Centers offer ongoing supervision, individual counseling and behavioral education. The professionals oversee the process to ensure that their patrons lose weight in the safest, most effective manner possible. As a customer of Quick Weight Loss Centers, you will receive a personalized program that is structured just for you.

Before an individual can join Quick Weight Loss, they must undergo a medical evaluation and receive written permission from their doctor to participate in the program. There are programs available for people as young as 10.