The "Love Life" Diet: 6 Ways to Look Great and Maintain Your Weight

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I don't know my weight and I don't care. My clothes tell me when I'm puffy or thin. And I've stopped the insanity of "weighing in" on the almighty scale.

2. Express Your Feelings, Don't Stuff Them Down

Learning how to communicate your feelings in a logical rational way may be the best "Love Life" diet tip. When you're able to express your feelings, you're less likely to stuff down your emotions with food (or other substances).

It's soooooo important to be able to say what you want or what you think. Or express what you don't want or feel uncomfortable with. Even at the risk of making someone upset with you.

If you can't risk hurting someone else's feelings, you risk hurting yourself.

What your mind can't assimilate (understand) and your mouth can't articulate (say), your body will demonstrate (gaining weight).

And weight gain isn't the only price tag. Your physical, mental and emotional health will pay dearly too.

3. Listen to Your Body

Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you're full. Your body will let you know what it wants and how much.

Your body will tell you when it needs to relax or needs to move. It will tell you when it feels well and when it doesn't.

Your body knows what it craves, but often your head argues. Your "old habits" get in the way by telling you what you "should" do.

Does this sound familiar?
Body: "Ice cream."
Head: "You can't have ice cream."
Body: "Chocolate."
Head: "You're too fat."
And on and on and on...