Best Aphrodisiacs to Spice Up Your Sex Life

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While some of the traditional aphrodisiacs actually do contain vitamins, minerals, or naturally-occurring chemicals that can benefit the reproductive system, there's still little proof that they can create sexual desire in any given situation. Still, it's exciting to know that some everyday foods can indeed have at least some effect on your sexual functioning.

Researching aphrodisiacs can be a fun and informative diversion that just may end up helping your love life after all.

At first glance, the dishes that have been considered aphrodisiacs may seem to have been chosen based on their shape and texture. Foods like oysters and asparagus were thought to resemble and therefore symbolize the female and male genitalia, respectively.

Bananas fall into this category because of their phallic shape, and there are some studies that suggest bananas really can get a man's motor running thanks to an enzyme called bromelain. The jury's still out on whether bananas really work, but at around 49 cents a pound, it sure can't hurt to give them a try.

Now we'll go from the "why not?" cheap thrill to some aphrodisiacs you'll want to use only on your hottest seduction target. They may cost a bit more, but there's research to support their effectiveness.