7 Ways to Release Anger

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  1. Sleeping - Ever heard the expression "sleep on it and see how you feel"? Sleep helps to relax and restore your body and ease tension. You may also be more prone to act out in anger if you haven't had a good night's sleep. If possible, sneaking in a nap during the day if you're feeling particularly overwhelmed, can be helpful.

    If you find it hard to shut your mind off from your angry thoughts at night, try listening to an inspirational book on tape, soft music or taking a hot bath right before bedtime. Make sure you get at least six to eight hours of sleep in a quiet and darkened room. You may find that in the morning your feelings have changed or subsided.

  1. Exercise - Even moderate exercise like walking or swimming has been shown to release chemicals into your bloodstream called endorphins that boost mood and energy. Activities like boxing or weightlifting can be good ways to release feelings of anger and tension. Getting your blood pumping for another reason than anger is the key to stress reduction.