Hills' Hottie Shares Cellulite-Fighting Secrets

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Despite the fact she sports a fabulous figure, people may be surprised to know that Lo isn't completely confident about her body, particularly when it comes to the appearance of that dimply skin that most women can find on their legs -- among other places. Lo tells MyDailyMoment, "I grew up on the beach in California, and as I approach my mid-20s, my body is changing. A combination of industry photographs and my upcoming beach vacation inspired me to make a change."

The change that has reaped major rewards for Lo this summer is the Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite, Hello Bikini Challenge. The program has four components, Lo says -- fitness, nutrition, skincare and style.

The fitness part came easy for Lo, who loves spinning classes. "I'm doing some great cardio and have increased the number of classes I take each week. Plus, I've added strength training and have seen a great improvement. Kettlebells have gotten my butt into shape!" she says.