Is the Freshman 15 a Myth?

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Among the perils of a new school and entirely new environment lies the myth - or is it? - of the Freshman 15, those 15 or more extra pounds gained during the freshman year. Many factors cause weight gain in college - heavy drinking, all-you-can-eat dining plans, late-night binges, no more high school sports and a lack of Mom's wholesome cooking all contribute.

The situation isn't as dire as imagined; a 2008 study found that female college students gained an average of only 7 pounds. But any weight gain can be unhealthy. So how can students give healthy living the old college try? Changing dining-hall and frat-house habits seem to be the best way. Students should try to eschew gorging themselves at the buffet. Stash a few pieces of whole fruit from the cafeteria for late-night snacks, instead of ordering that pizza at 2 a.m.