Household Safety Hazards

Household Safety Hazards

Moms / Mom Tips

You’ve got the house babyproofed with all the gadgets and preventive tools that should keep young kids out of the dangerous areas of your home. No worries, right? Wrong. There are hidden hazards in the home that can do serious damage to a child. Be extra-careful and warn children of…

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Summer Daze: Keep ‘Em Busy!

Summer Daze: Keep ‘Em Busy!

Moms / Mom Tips

When the last school bell rings, the cries of “I’m bored!” and “There’s nothing to do!” seem to start almost immediately. And while summer should be a time for the whole family to relax and slow down, that process can be frustrating when you want your kids to enjoy themselves…

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Handy Breakfasts to Go

Handy Breakfasts to Go

Moms / Mom Tips

In the rush to get everyone out the door in the morning, you may neglect a healthy breakfast or simply drive through for a fast-food sandwich that is handy but definitely not healthy. There are lots of ways to ensure that your kids start the day off on the right…

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Help Your Child Live a Longer Life

Help Your Child Live a Longer Life

Moms / Mom Tips

While he’s 6, 16 or even 60, your child can enjoy good health and has a better chance of being healthier longer when you start early. We all expect our children to outlive us and enjoy living longer than people ever have, but these days, that may not be the…

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Stretch Outgrown Clothes Another Season

Stretch Outgrown Clothes Another Season

Moms / Mom Tips

It’s great to see your kids growing up healthy and strong, but those growth spurts can take a toll on your wallet and their closets after awhile. Each time a season begins, do you find yourself having to discard or give away all the clothes your child has outgrown? If…

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