Super Summer Reading for All Ages

Super Summer Reading for All Ages

Moms / Mom Tips

There’s plenty to do inside on rainy summer days, and if you have a child who’s not a big reader, then there’s no time like summer to get him interested in books. They’re great to take along on road trips and airplanes, too, and it does today’s kids good to…

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Face Time: How Young Is Too Young For Social Networking?

Face Time: How Young Is Too Young For Social Networking?

Moms / Mom Tips

From Facebook to MySpace, it seems the users are getting smaller and the problems are getting bigger. Although many social networking sites have a minimum age requirement of 13, children often disregard the age limitations altogether. Or they seek out sites that are geared more toward their demographics, but are…

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Is Your Child a Lost Cause?

Is Your Child a Lost Cause?

Moms / Mom Tips

From jackets to lunchboxes to hair clips, does it seem like your child is constantly losing things? Unfortunately, you child’s carelessness can come at a price for you. No matter how angry you get it’s not going to bring the lost item back from whatever abyss it was lost in….

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Plant the Seeds for Fun and Food

Plant the Seeds for Fun and Food

Moms / Mom Tips

What better way to get your child to eat her vegetables than have her grow them herself? When kids take an interest in gardening, they’re looped into the process it takes to get produce to grow from seeds and ultimately end up on their plates. For toddlers and preschoolers, it’s…

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Is Your Child Being Bullied? Or Bullying?

Is Your Child Being Bullied? Or Bullying?

Moms / Mom Tips

Sticks and stones will break their bones, but names will never hurt them, right? Think again. Bullying has been around as long as kids have, but with the introduction of different forms of communication, it’s risen to alarming levels. The implications of bullying and being bullied have grown more serious,…

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How to Stop a Toddler Tantrum

How to Stop a Toddler Tantrum

Moms / Mom Tips

Perhaps the most infuriating stage of parenthood is when your child reaches the time when tantrums seem to be his only means of expression. In the “terrible twos” – or threes, fours and beyond – these full-on freakouts might happen seemingly at the drop of a hat, but there are…

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Baby Bonding: Help the Other Kids

Baby Bonding: Help the Other Kids

Moms / Mom Tips

A new baby is a big change for everyone in the house, but the transition from a three-person household to a four-person household may cause the most turmoil for the firstborn child. You might be excited about the potential for your child to have a lifetime playmate, but he or…

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Celebrate G-Day in Style

Celebrate G-Day in Style

Moms / Mom Tips

Pop Pop. Mom Mom. Papa. Nana. Grandpa. Grandma. They go by many different names, but their role is always the same – to spoil their grandchildren with hugs, kisses and everything in between. Every year, Grandparents Day falls on the first Sunday after Labor Day. When Marian McQuade founded National…

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Is the ER Ready for Your Child?

Is the ER Ready for Your Child?

Moms / Mom Tips

It seems like a no-brainer: If you need to take your child to the emergency room, then they’ll be fully prepared to treat him. However, in most hospitals throughout the nation, the ER either doesn’t have the right equipment to use on children or the right staff to treat them…

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New Year’s Resolutions for Parents

New Year’s Resolutions for Parents

Moms / Mom Tips

Still thinking of resolutions to make in the new year? Many adults resolve to lose weight, get more organized or make other promises. But why not make resolutions that benefit you and your family? If a resolution will make you a better parent, then there are a few you might…

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