Where Sugar Hides

It’s a major challenge for many of us to limit the sugar in our diets, mainly because the white stuff is everywhere, especially in processed foods. Take a look at your diet and the sneaky ways sugar makes its way in there, even in seemingly healthful foods. Many fruit juices are more like liquid candy than liquid fruit. For example, Ocean Spray Cran-Apple has 35 grams of sugar in an 8-ounce serving (more than Pepsi) and the ingredient list starts with filtered water, then high fructose corn syrup and THEN juice. Many nutrition experts think increased consumption of high fructose corn syrup may contribute to obesity because your liver converts fructose to fat more easily than other sugars. Stick with whole fruit instead of juice to reap the benefits of fiber and to feel fuller faster. Canned fruit is an economical option, but examine labels carefully.
Opt for those that are packed in water, not syrups. Another surprising source of sugar might be the condiments you use. Syrups are obviously sweet, so use them sparingly, but did you know ketchup is a major sugar source in American diets? Ranch and other creamy dressings, especially those that are fat-free, can contain major amounts of high fructose corn syrup. When you see corn syrup listed as one of the first ingredients on a label, then you know it should go back on the shelf. Other key words to look for on a label that indicate sugar: glucose, fructose, lactose, sucrose, molasses, honey, dextrose, sorghum, maltose and galactose. Some of these are healthy forms of the sweet stuff, but any excess adds up to extra pounds and increased risk of diabetes and other conditions.