The Spice of a Healthy Life

When it comes to spicing up your food, you don’t always need to rely on salt, sugar and other unhealthy ingredients to kick your dishes up a notch. There are plenty of health-enhancing herbs and spices that do the job. Not only do they offer palate-pleasing flavors, but they also bring some pretty great health benefits to the table. Take cinnamon, for example. Research has shown that cinnamon effectively controls blood glucose levels and reduces cholesterol levels, making it essential for people suffering from diabetes and heart disease. This is also good news for those individuals trying to lose weight.
That’s because combating elevated blood sugar levels and fighting insulin resistance can aid in weight loss. High glucose levels cause the body to store energy and hold on to fat. Cinnamon has been proven to prevent insulin resistance. But the health benefits go beyond battling the bulge. A recent study found that consuming 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon daily lowered fasting serum glucose levels by almost 30 percent, and it lowered triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins and total cholesterol. Cinnamon has antibacterial properties that prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus which cause yeast infections, and it wards off the E. coli bacteria. Other research indicates that smelling cinnamon boosts brain function and memory. Why not take advantage of this spice rack staple? Add cinnamon to your tea, applesauce, cereal, toast, oatmeal, coffee, rice pudding or any other dish.