Hot Stuff: Beneficial Beauty Treatments

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If winter's chill is already getting to you, then you can lift those doldrums and get a beauty treatment at the same time with these hot ideas that will leave you cozy - and gorgeous. You can start in your kitchen with a moisturizing home remedy for dry skin and hair: olive oil. For dry, scaly hands, warm three tablespoons of olive oil (not hot) and mix with three tablespoons of sugar. Rub hands together vigorously until the sugar begins to melt. You'll have silky-soft, exfoliated hands. For hair, make your own hot oil treatment that will infuse moisture into dry, windblown hair. Warm a few tablespoons - the amount will depend on hair length - of olive oil and apply to scalp and hair. Put a shower cap or plastic bag over hair and rinse after 20-30 minutes. If your face needs a little TLC, then there are a few ways to use heat to treat it.