Cuticle Care: What You Need to Know

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Here's a tip most people fail to consider -- you should be paying the closest attention to your cuticles. The cuticle is the thin layer of dead skin at the bottom of the nail. While it may seem to serve no purpose on the outside, the cuticle actually acts as a sealant between the nail and the finger. In doing so, it protects the body from problem-causing agents such as bacteria, yeast and fungus. Damage to the cuticles can be avoided by wearing gloves when doing housework. While that may stave off the external factors that damage cuticles, it's also important to think about the internal factors such as diet. Avoid alcohol, sugar and saturated fats that do damage to the body. Instead eat a diet rich in vitamins, calcium, zinc and lean protein. Nutrients benefit the health of the nail and cuticles, as well as the body as a whole. It goes without saying that it's important to care for the cuticles. Unhealthy cuticles won't just harm the nail, they can take a toll on the entire body. It's important to make sure you keep your cuticles moisturized. The last thing you want is your cuticles drying out.