Shop ‘Til You Drop the Pounds

Window shop. Don’t spend…expend. Hit the mall in the name of better health. When inclement weather sidetracks your normal walk, take to the nearest mall and make great strides. Peek in the windows as you pass by your favorite stores…over and over. Walk through the mall and take in the sights. In addition to a change in scenery, the mall is also a safe place when you’re taking a solo stroll. There’s no traffic to worry about, security is plentiful, restrooms are available and weather isn’t an issue. A great perk for mall walkers obviously includes scoping out sales and getting the inside track – no pun intended – on what’s going on at the mall. But did you know that many malls actually have walking clubs? When you join, you can get sweet mall perks, like merchant discounts, health checkups and mileage rewards.
Many medical centers co-sponsor mall-walking clubs and provide pins, t-shirts or hats to identify members. Walkers get a head start on shopping in that often-dead first hour of mall opening, a boon especially during holiday shopping. One drawback to walking in the mall can be the monotony of passing the same scenery over and over. But if you belong to a club or simply have a buddy who’ll join you on your walks, then you’ll not only be held accountable for your workout, but you’ll also break up the walk with lively conversation. Afterward, you all can congregate in the food court for a water break and maybe even a healthy breakfast. Now that’s a great way to start the day!