Save Money on Frozen Entrees

There is no substitution for a fresh, well-balanced meal. That said, there are times when you can’t always get what you want… or need. So when it comes to dieting on the run or looking for a ready-made balanced meal in a pinch, those handy dandy frozen entrees can save you a fortune in calories and cash. And did we also mention you’re saving time? When shopping for frozen entrees, being vigilant will save you a bunch of cash. Most frozen entrees can cost between $3 to $5. Feasting on at least five a week can add up to almost $100 a month, which is hardly chump change. When perusing the frozen meals section, you’ll first want to make sure you know what you’re looking for. All frozen entrees are not created equal. When searching for healthy frozen entrees Kashi, Lean Cuisines, Smart Ones and Healthy Choices are all good choices when watching your waistline and your wallet. But here’s how to save even bigger. Although most of these meals can set you back a few bucks, you’ll often find $.50 or $1.00 off coupons in the local paper or in the Sunday inserts. Every Sunday check your paper and clip away. Also flyers that arrive in your mailbox – these can also include coupons. Another way to save big is to keep an eye out for supermarket specials. On various weeks, your local supermarket might run a 5 for $10 deal or buy one, get one free. Check the different stores for weekly deals. Also, stock up when you do find these specials. They’re frozen meals so it’s not as if they’re going to go bad. You can also frequent warehouse stores like Sam’s and Costco’s and get more from less. They usually sell Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice meals in bulk. So once again, you’ll get a bigger bang for your buck.