The Pros and Cons of Your High School Sweetheart

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It sounds like a cliché -- couples who have been together since they were teenagers. But it happens quite a bit, and while high school sweethearts are lucky to have found their one and only early in life, there are also quite a few drawbacks. Here are a few of the great things about being high school sweethearts. You've known each other for quite a long time, so you're used to each other's quirks and know what to expect from each other. Unfortunately, many long-term couples don't last past college, when they're introduced to other people and ways of living. When sweethearts develop different interests as they enter different stages of life, it can strain the otherwise solid foundation on which the relationship is built. As a couple, you each may have missed out on living with other people, like roommates, or alone. It's easy for high school sweethearts just to skip that step and move in together.