Look 10 Pounds Thinner Instantly

It may just an illusion, but improving your posture can be the ultimate quick fix. Standing up straight can instantly make you appear thinner. When you slouch, it makes you look heavier. People are also more likely to notice your stomach pouching out. Maintaining good posture can help you look 5 to 10 pounds thinner. That means keeping your spine erect and holding your stomach in. Practice this exercise even when you’re walking around the house to make it a habit. You’ll also look more self-confident when you hold your head up high. If you feel like you’re a slouch in the posture department, there are steps you can take to straighten up. One of the key factors to achieving better posture is to strengthen the core. This can be accomplished through Pilates or strength training classes that focus on the abdominal area. Yoga is also an effective way to improve posture. Some effective exercises that will build up core muscles are crunches, side plank, crunches with twist, standing side bends, plank hold and back extensions. Do regular toning regimens that include these moves. The next step is to work on straightening those rounded shoulders caused by hunching over. This can be accomplished by toning the lower back muscles and stretching tight chest, shoulder, lat and hip muscles. Reverse dumbbell flys, rows, standing chest, torso stretch and standing quad stretch can all do the trick. Once that is accomplished it’s important to stop the hips from tilting in, which means strengthening the lower body. Also strengthen the neck. Always try and sit up straight and keep all of the muscles in alignment. Sit and stand tall and hold your head high. Work to keep your shoulders pulled down and back. Good posture will also prevent back pains.