Is Dieting Stressful?

Of course trying to lose weight can be stressful, especially if you place unrealistic demands on yourself. Stop beating yourself up and learn how to manage the stress that inevitably comes from following a diet and fitness program.

Constant stress can even be a culprit in derailing your diet efforts by creating the hormone cortisol, which affects your metabolism, cravings for sugary comfort foods and how your body stores fat. Your emotions about veering off your diet plan, not seeing the number on the scale go down or a lack of willpower can be overwhelming. Stress management is essential to getting a handle on those emotions, and you can combine those efforts with your fitness plan. A great workout is a surefire stress reliever, and stretching exercises set to soothing music are perfect. Yoga, meditation or a hot bath can settle your nerves. But first, take a look at the expectations you have for yourself. Ask yourself why you’re losing weight and examine the ways you’re going about it. What is your measure of success? Maybe you should look to other aspects, besides the scale.

Have you taken a careful look at your habits and how, realistically, you can go about changing them? Accept that you need to make permanent changes instead of just “going on a diet” in order to lose weight. A support system and/or diet buddy can help when you feel stress coming on about your progress.People who tend to stress the most have certain personality traits, like overachieving, perfectionism, a sense of competition and impatience. If you recognize those traits in yourself, then start taking measures to reduce stress and ease the burden you put on yourself.